Free timetable for transport from Toncontín to Palmerola
Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
To offer a better experience, more comfort and to allow passengers to arrive with their flights without delay, Palmerola International Airport offers free transportation through luxury executive units.
The buses are equipped with air conditioning, Wi-Fi and a private bathroom and connect the Toncontín Terminal with Palmerola.
Passengers only need to present their plane ticket and passport in order to board the units at the scheduled times.
Transport timetable from Toncontín to Palmerola:
From Monday to Sunday:
5:00 in the morning
9:00 in the morning
11:00 in the morning
Free transport is also provided for passengers arriving from abroad at the new terminal, the buses remaining parked in front of the arrivals area.
Initially, this service used to be free of charge. However, at present, it is no longer free. Nevertheless, you can still avail of this service by booking a transfer through the taxi service.
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